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Cohérences: We have over 30 years combined experience in sales and team management.

We are a team of communication experts. Our objective is to substantially enhance the dialog between a client and the person taking care of them or between the members of a particular group. We have over 30 years combined experience in sales and team management. Our clients range from large Belgian companies to growing SMEs.

The team

Annick Mestdagh

Quality is her obsession. As a commercial background, for over 30 years she’s been honing her expertise in quality control, continuously striving to think of the most effective solutions to respond to her client’s objectives.

Michel Bourgeois

Michel Bourgeois is a communication and in-house training specialist, he offers Cohérences’ clients his unique capacity to convey ideas and the dynamic approach with which he transmits them.

Jean-Luc Delangh

Jean-Luc has an exceptional mastery of the educational, linguistic, marketing and IT components of Cohérences’ operations.

These key players are surrounded by a team of professionals who each contribute to the success of projects assigned to them in their own domain.

Cohérences in numbers

  • 1200 active Mystery Shoppers

    In France and in Bénélux

  • 10 Team and Project Managers

    They manage the human and technical resources deployed during your campaigns.

  • 8500 Activity Reports each year

    These activity reports are generated through X-plain our complete campaign management solution. They are conceived and made available in order to support debriefing processes for auditees.

© Copyright 2023 - Cohérences